The Influence of External Environmental Factors on Agricultural Plants of The Northern Districts of Surkhandarya Region


  • Mardanaeva Dilsora Norxonovna Assistant, Termiz Institute of Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development
  • Boboyorov Sirojiddin O‘tkir o‘g‘li Termiz Institute of Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development
  • Shopo'latova Xonzodabanu Baxtiyor qizi Student, Termiz Institute of Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development


Sariosia, Dashnobot, Sufis, environment, atmosphere, Tajikistan, Aluminum Plant, biosphere, seed, ecology.


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How to Cite

Mardanaeva Dilsora Norxonovna, Boboyorov Sirojiddin O‘tkir o‘g‘li, & Shopo’latova Xonzodabanu Baxtiyor qizi. (2022). The Influence of External Environmental Factors on Agricultural Plants of The Northern Districts of Surkhandarya Region. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 1(2), 24–27. Retrieved from




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