The Influence of Fluorian Atmospheric Waste on The Chemical Composition of Fruit and Vegetable Plants Grown in The Northern Districts of Surkhandarya Province


  • Ilhom Mamarajabovich Samadov Ph.D., Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development
  • Mamanazarova Maksuda Orazalieva Assistant, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development
  • Alieva Dildora Fakhriddinovna Student, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development
  • Shopo'latova Xonzodabanu Baxtiyor qizi Student, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development


fluorine, macro and microelements, atrophic environment, aluminum, steel


In this article, the effect of fluorine compounds released into the environment from the State Unitary Enterprise of Tajikistan Aluminum Company (TALKO DUK) on the amount of macro and microelements in agricultural crops and the activity of the peroxidase enzyme in plant leaves is presented in this article.


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How to Cite

Ilhom Mamarajabovich Samadov, Mamanazarova Maksuda Orazalieva, Alieva Dildora Fakhriddinovna, & Shopo’latova Xonzodabanu Baxtiyor qizi. (2022). The Influence of Fluorian Atmospheric Waste on The Chemical Composition of Fruit and Vegetable Plants Grown in The Northern Districts of Surkhandarya Province. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 1(2), 28–32. Retrieved from




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