Graph Functions in Terms of "Gem-Sets"


  • Maryam Adnan AL-Ethary Ministry of Education, Directorate of Educational Babylon, Hilla, Iraq.
  • Maryam Sabbeh Al-Rubaie Alqasim green university green university/ college of science/Babylon/Iraq
  • Maha Khalid Kadhim Ministry of higher Education & Scientific research, University of Karbala, Collage of engineering, Department of Biomedical engineering, Karbala ,Iraq.


closed graph functions, K^*-map , 〖KO〗^*-map , J^*-map and J^(**)-map.


The primary purpose of paper is to define and study a novel type of graph function under the idea of " Gem-Set" named β^*-closed graph , ω^*-closed graph and 〖sem〗^*-closed graph , then we define K^*-map , 〖KO〗^*-map , T^*-map and T^(**)-map , then we are study the properties of it's and the relationships with our function .


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How to Cite

Maryam Adnan AL-Ethary, Maryam Sabbeh Al-Rubaie, & Maha Khalid Kadhim. (2023). Graph Functions in Terms of "Gem-Sets". International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(3), 1–11. Retrieved from




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