Pedagogical Aspect of Formation of National Customs in Students Through Modern Computer Games


  • Mavlanova Mehnbonu Obid qizi Osiyo xalqaro Universiteti “Pedagogika psixologiya” 2-kurs magistranti
  • Nurillayev Shahobiddin Supxonovich Turkiston Yangi innovatsiyalar universiteti “Jismoniy tarbiya va sport nazariyasi va metodikasi” I-kurs magistri


computer sport, cybersport, e-sport, computer games, functions of computer sport, social networks, cybersports.


The author proposed to use cybersport in pedagogical activity as the means of control the gamification process. The purpose of this article is to identify socio-pedagogical functions of computer sport as a tool of intellectual development of an individual. The results of formal logical analysis of scientific literature are presented on four main topics: computer games in leisure; the usage of virtual games and gaming technologies in education; social networks, and educational networks as a sort of social networks; the sphere of computer sport. The author determined main socio-pedagogical functions of cybersport according to the results of analysis of scientific literature. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated confirming educational potentials of computer sport as an innovative tool of intellectual development of an individual.


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How to Cite

Mavlanova Mehnbonu Obid qizi, & Nurillayev Shahobiddin Supxonovich. (2023). Pedagogical Aspect of Formation of National Customs in Students Through Modern Computer Games. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(12), 1–3. Retrieved from


