Attracting Foreign Investments to Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship


  • Shodiyev Odiljon Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics Assistant Teacher of the Finance Department


Market system, economic downturn, infrastructure, international deals, foreign investments, private sectors.


In today's interconnected global economy, attracting foreign investments has become a crucial strategy for small businesses and private entrepreneurs seeking to expand their operations, increase competitiveness, and contribute to the overall economic growth and development of their countries. Foreign investments can provide access to new markets, technologies, and management expertise, which are essential for small businesses and private entrepreneurs to thrive in an increasingly competitive business environment. This article will argue that attracting foreign investments to small business and private entrepreneurship is vital for economic growth and development, and will explore the benefits, challenges, and strategies for attracting foreign investments to these sectors.


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How to Cite

Shodiyev Odiljon. (2024). Attracting Foreign Investments to Small Business and Private Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(5), 64–68. Retrieved from


