Measures to Control Parasitic Nemates


  • Chariyev Siraj Hamzayevich We Sweat State University , Doctoral Student
  • Mardonayeva Dilsora Norkhonovna Assistant, We Sweat Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development Institute
  • Odinayev Kurbanmurad Abdukarim ogli Student, We Sweat Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development Institute
  • Aminjonov Eldorbek Hero ogli Student, We Sweat Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development Institute


Peanut , Meloidogyne , Araxis hypogaea L, Organized and quarantine against struggle measures


This in the article Surkhandarya in the region being cultivated peanuts plant at the root and root around developed peanuts to the root harm bringing Meloidogyne to his generation belongs to root bump to nematodes against struggle measures given .


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How to Cite

Chariyev Siraj Hamzayevich, Mardonayeva Dilsora Norkhonovna, Odinayev Kurbanmurad Abdukarim ogli, & Aminjonov Eldorbek Hero ogli. (2022). Measures to Control Parasitic Nemates. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 1(2), 75–78. Retrieved from




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