Devoloping a Two Factor Authentication System to Identify Vulnerabitlies in Public Wifi Leading to Hovac Attacks


  • Israa Ahmed Jaddoa JADDOA
  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Ayca Turkben Kurnaz Information Technologies, Altinbas university, Istanbul, Turkey.


HOVAC ,Wi-Fi, 2FA.


Although public Wi-Fi networks offer a lot of convenience, users should be aware that their data may not always be safe. Hackers are able to launch cyber-attacks by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in these networks. These attacks include the so-called HOVAC attacks, which stand for hacktivism, organized crime, vendetta, espionage, and cyber warfare. We propose a two-factor authentication system that identifies vulnerabilities in public Wi-Fi networks as a means of reducing the likelihood that such attacks would be successful. A way for authenticating users via passwords serves as the initial component in our multi-factor authentication system. In order for users to connect to a public Wi-Fi network, they will be required to enter a password. This password will be one of a kind for each individual user, and it will be kept in a protected database. Before a user is allowed to connect their device to the network, our authentication system will conduct a vulnerability scan on the user's device as the second factor in the authentication process. This scan will determine whether or not the user's device contains any vulnerabilities that a hacker might be able to take advantage of. Before the user is allowed to connect to the network, they will be urged to take action to remedy any vulnerabilities that may have been discovered during the scan. In order to create this system, we will employ a variety of different methods, including data analysis and machine learning. We are going to collect data on public Wi-Fi networks and then apply machine learning techniques in order to detect patterns of vulnerabilities that are frequently exploited by hackers. We will also conduct an analysis of data pertaining to HOVAC assaults in order to determine the commonalities shared by these attacks, such as the different sorts of vulnerabilities that are exploited. When we have completed development of the authentication system, we will put it through its paces in an environment more representative of the actual world in order to determine how well it performs. We will collaborate with companies who supply public Wi-Fi to install the technology on their networks and monitor how well it operates over time. In addition, we will solicit input from users in order to ascertain whether or not they have any problems or worries regarding the system. In short, the proposed two-factor authentication system that we have developed is intended to detect flaws in public Wi-Fi networks and reduce the likelihood of HOVAC cyber assaults. We want to achieve our goal of providing customers with a method that is both secure and convenient for connecting to public Wi-Fi networks by combining password-based authentication with vulnerability scanning.


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How to Cite

Israa Ahmed Jaddoa JADDOA, & Asst.Prof.Dr. Ayca Turkben Kurnaz. (2023). Devoloping a Two Factor Authentication System to Identify Vulnerabitlies in Public Wifi Leading to Hovac Attacks. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(7), 1–19. Retrieved from


