The Role of Social Norms in The Formation of Moral Education of Youth


  • Berdikulova Surayyo Aslamovna Senior Teacher, PhD Department of Legal Sciences National University of Uzbekistan
  • Jamalova Nargiza Ulugbek kizi Senior Teacher, PhD Department of Legal Sciences National University of Uzbekistan


Youth, social norm, value, worldview, national idea, national traditions, spiritual heritage, culture.


Moral education is a systematic educational impact on a human personality aimed at the formation of socially consistent moral qualities in a person: responsibility, patriotism, stability of scientific worldview, preservation of universal values, etc. In this article highlights of the role of social norms in the formation of moral education of young people.


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How to Cite

Berdikulova Surayyo Aslamovna, & Jamalova Nargiza Ulugbek kizi. (2023). The Role of Social Norms in The Formation of Moral Education of Youth. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(12), 79–85. Retrieved from


