Specific Aspects of The Development of Mountain and Sub-Mountain Regions


  • Qalandarova M.K. Tashkent State in the Name of Nizomi Pedagogy Associate Professor of Geography Teaching Methodology Department of the University me/mekhrima_80, 90 980 11 77


mountain, mountain area, mountain range, mountain topography, sustainable development, mountain nature, three-dimensionality of mountain nature, factors of mountain formation, mountains three-dimensional coordinate system, elevation zones, national mountain policy.


In this article, the specific aspects of the development of mountain and sub-mountain areas , the most important elements of the mountain relief, the meaning of the concept of mountain and mountain system, the hierarchically defined levels of the mountain as a scientific concept and their characteristics, the interpretation of the height limits of the natural-social economic altitude zones, and the legal issues related to the formation of the mountain national policy for the sustainable development of the mountain regions of the country are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Qalandarova M.K. (2023). Specific Aspects of The Development of Mountain and Sub-Mountain Regions. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(7), 145–149. Retrieved from https://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst/article/view/122


