Environmental Problems of Lakes in The Modern World
Phytoplankton, humus, radioactive components, wastewater, radiation sickness, Brexit, UN Convention, caustic black tar, pathogenic microorganisms, T. Malthus' theory.Abstract
Currently, the most vulnerable part of nature and society has become the process of pollution of lakes, which are often intensively polluted by various industrial and household waste. Wastewater, pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals and much more in huge quantities flow into lakes, seas and oceans. This article examines the environmental problems of water pollution in different regions of the world in the modern world. An analysis of the causes of the formation of the most polluted water bodies in a number of countries with various waste and pollutants is given. The article examines the factors influencing the process of lake pollution, and gives recommendations for maintaining the cleanliness of water bodies.
Source: https://www.fresher.ru/
Marina Romadova BBC October 29, 2022