Shadows Falling from One Geometric Image to Another in Orthogonal Projections are Constructed Using The Method of Cut Planes And The Method of The Reverse Ray


  • Н. Ж. Хакимова Ташкентский Государственный Транспортный Университет


Shadows falling from one geometric image to another, as well as in orthogonal projections, are constructed using the method of cut planes and the method of the reverse ray. The shadow of a point on a plane. To draw a shadow from a point to a plane, you need to solve problems for the intersection of a line with a plane. The straight line in this problem is a light beam passing through a point.


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How to Cite

Н. Ж. Хакимова. (2023). Shadows Falling from One Geometric Image to Another in Orthogonal Projections are Constructed Using The Method of Cut Planes And The Method of The Reverse Ray. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(10), 53–59. Retrieved from


