Dynamics of Germination and Growth and Development of Cotton Variety Termiz-202 with Thin Fiber


  • Qodirov Axmadjon Abduraufovich q.x.f.f.d., (PhD)
  • Sayyora Roziqlovna Boynazarova Senior Teacher Jumaeva Gulnara Gani, student
  • Ibroximova Fotima Sobirjonning qizi A Student, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development


fine fiber Termiz-202 new tuber, germination, seedling, seedling


The germination dynamics, growth and development of fine-fiber Termiz -202 cotton, grown in the soil and climate conditions of Surkhandarya region, are described.


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How to Cite

Qodirov Axmadjon Abduraufovich, Sayyora Roziqlovna Boynazarova, & Ibroximova Fotima Sobirjonning qizi. (2022). Dynamics of Germination and Growth and Development of Cotton Variety Termiz-202 with Thin Fiber. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 1(2), 43–46. Retrieved from https://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst/article/view/14


