The Impact of Emotional Conditions on Academic Processes


  • Sayyora Khalmirzayeva Tashkent State Agrarian University, Head of the “Uzbek Language and Literature” Faculty Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent


stress, studying, behavioral psychology, organizational pattern, educational processes, students’ psychology, academic outcome, institutional results, studying outpus.


Nowadays, an awful lot of people strive to maintain up with the current responsibilities, tasks, as well as to challenge distinguishing prospective opportunities and threats. Modern-based living and working conditions tend to dictate own terms and even take a control of individuals having them obsessed with their work and personal responsibilities. Thus, people of different age and background often have an emotional problem and tempt stress issues in work. However, such behavior and emotional conditions are basically reflected in working performance and attaining organizational goals.


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How to Cite

Sayyora Khalmirzayeva. (2023). The Impact of Emotional Conditions on Academic Processes. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(5), 82–86. Retrieved from


