Clinical and Functional Features of Small Anomalies of Heart Development in Newborns and their Dynamics in the First Year of Life


  • Ulug’bekov M.U. Xankeldiyeva X.K. Mirzayeva Z.U. Andija State Medical Institute , Uzbekistan


Congenital heart disease, Early intervention, clinic , functional.


Although antenatal diagnostic technique has considerably improved, precise detection and proper management of the neonate with congenital heart disease (CHD) is always a great concern to pediatricians.


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How to Cite

Ulug’bekov M.U. Xankeldiyeva X.K. Mirzayeva Z.U. (2023). Clinical and Functional Features of Small Anomalies of Heart Development in Newborns and their Dynamics in the First Year of Life. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(2), 123–127. Retrieved from


