Ultrasonic Cleaning of The Oral Cavity in Senile People


  • Rasulova Makhpiratkhon Mehmonkulovna Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


oral health, intervention, older people, nursing home, longitudinal.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of carers’ education on improvements in oral health and denture hygiene of care-dependent and cognitively impaired older people in nursing homes compared to those without intervention. Carers’ education improves oral health of people in nursing homes over a clinically relevant period of time. Implementation of ultrasound baths is a simple and effective measure to improve denture hygiene of both institutionalized elderly people and seniors with dementia and in severe need of care. From a clinical standpoint, it is noteworthy that the respective interventions can be easily implemented in everyday care routine.


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How to Cite

Rasulova Makhpiratkhon Mehmonkulovna. (2023). Ultrasonic Cleaning of The Oral Cavity in Senile People. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 2(2), 120–122. Retrieved from http://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst/article/view/64


