Effectiveness of Organizing Musical Literacy Lessons in Interdisciplinary Communication


  • Khasanov Khalim Ravshanovich Bukhara State University Independent Research Fellow, Department of Pedagogy Faculty of Art History and Pedagogy, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Art, aesthetics, music, interdisciplinary relations, education, integration, personality, learning, culture.


This article examines interdisciplinary connections in music lessons at school as an important element of the educational process. Emphasis is placed on the integration of music with other disciplines, such as literature, history, mathematics, geography and art. Examples of the use of an interdisciplinary approach that contributes to a deeper understanding of music and the development of students' creative abilities are given.


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How to Cite

Khasanov Khalim Ravshanovich. (2025). Effectiveness of Organizing Musical Literacy Lessons in Interdisciplinary Communication. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 4(2), 31–36. Retrieved from http://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst/article/view/492


