The Efficiency of Deposit Operations of Commercial Banks in The Republic of Uzbekistan and their Characteristics
Bank, banking and financial system, capitalization, resource, authorized capital, deposit, credit, rating, deposit, client, legal entity, individual, operation, funds, factors, subject.Abstract
Only when the population has guarantees for the safe storage of temporarily free funds in commercial banks, which exceed consumption, and is interested in receiving interest income on deposited deposits, will their confidence in the banking system increase, and this will lead to an expansion of the bank deposit base. In this case, banks increase their opportunities to receive interest income by granting loans to customers at the expense of these attracted funds or by providing services widely used in world practice, such as leasing, factoring, trust, overdraft and overnight. In this way, it is possible to prevent the depreciation of the national currency by collecting free money through the bank and directing it to the real sector of the economy, as a result of which the speed of money circulation increases. It is this factor that plays a key role in the development of deposits. Therefore, this scientific article analyzes the problems of deposits and develops proposals.
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