Improving The Efficiency of Developing Oil Fields with Hard - to - Recover Reserves Based on Refining Geological and Hydrodynamic Models


  • Omonov Sokhibnazar Panjievich Basic Doctoral Student of Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute
  • Turdiev Shohjahon Shermamat ugli Basic Doctoral Student of Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute


Geological model refinement, Hydrodynamic model, Oil recovery efficiency, Hard-to-extract reserves, Seismographic studies, Nuclear analysis, Geophysical methods, Layer porosity and permeability, Mathematical modeling, Real-time monitoring, Horizontal drilling, Hydraulic fracturing, Water and gas injection, Oil industry technologies, Energy saving, Environmental safety.


This article analyzes the issues of efficient use of hard-to-recover oil fields by refining the geological and hydrodynamic model. As a result of refining the geological model and hydrodynamic studies, the efficiency of mining technologies is increased. This approach allows for resource conservation, optimization of production processes, and ensuring the environmental safety of the oil industry.


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How to Cite

Omonov Sokhibnazar Panjievich, & Turdiev Shohjahon Shermamat ugli. (2024). Improving The Efficiency of Developing Oil Fields with Hard - to - Recover Reserves Based on Refining Geological and Hydrodynamic Models. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(12), 366–369. Retrieved from


