Ways to Prevent Calf Dyspepsia


  • Davlatov Karim Mamadmuso o’g’li Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology Assistant of the Department of Zooengineering, Veterinary Medicine and Sericulture
  • Saidov Abdurahmon Abduhalim o’g’li Students of the Department of Zooengineering, Veterinary Medicine and Sericulture, Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology
  • Umirqulov Akbar Suvon o’g’li Students of the Department of Zooengineering, Veterinary Medicine and Sericulture, Termez State University of Engineering and Agrotechnology


Hypotrophy, dyspepsia, diarrhea, hemoglobin, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, monocalciphosphate, LPP-1, trace elements, vitamins, prophylaxis, glucose, protein, leukocyte.


The article presents data on metabolic disorders in the body of cows excluded from milk as a consequence of etiological factors in calves dyspepsia and it’s prevention by adding sprouted verdure of the wheat, monocalcium phosphate and LPP-1 to the diet of cows.


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How to Cite

Davlatov Karim Mamadmuso o’g’li, Saidov Abdurahmon Abduhalim o’g’li, & Umirqulov Akbar Suvon o’g’li. (2024). Ways to Prevent Calf Dyspepsia. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(12), 304–307. Retrieved from http://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst/article/view/399


