Content and Essence of Vitagen Educational Technology


  • Samatova Iroda Azamjon qizi PhD Student of Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after K.Niyazi


Vitagenic education technologies, qualification requirement, social competence, basic competencies, students, social competence, motivation of educational activity, creating a situation of success.


This article highlights the basic competencies of secondary schools based on international educational standards, the basic competencies of secondary schools, the use of vitagenic education technologies in the development of social competencies among students, the content, significance, pedagogical and psychological conditions of vitagenic education technologies in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process in our republic.


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How to Cite

Samatova Iroda Azamjon qizi. (2024). Content and Essence of Vitagen Educational Technology. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(12), 140–142. Retrieved from


