Typology of Conflicts in The Educational Environment: A Psychological Analysis


  • Zavarueva T. I. Lecturer at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Conflict, conflict classification, conflict diagnostics, education.


Conflicts in the educational environment is an inevitable phenomenon resulting from the interactions among participants in the educational process, including students, teachers, parents, and administrative staff. Such conflicts can negatively impact the psychological climate within the collective and students’ academic performance. This article aims to systematize types of conflicts in the educational environment, identify their key psychological characteristics, and propose approaches for their diagnosis and effective resolution.


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How to Cite

Zavarueva T. I. (2024). Typology of Conflicts in The Educational Environment: A Psychological Analysis. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(12), 129–133. Retrieved from http://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst/article/view/362


