Technology of Using Movement Games to Increase the Efficiency of Physical Education Lessons


  • Bobokulov Chori Urolovich Termiz University of Economics and Service Teacher of the Department of Physical Culture
  • Kudratov Dilshodbek 2nd Year Student Termez University of Economics and Service


Physical education, lesson, teaching technologies, action games.


This problem, which allows to educate young people to be physically strong in all aspects, and is aimed at the development of physical qualities of students, makes it necessary to consider the physical education of students of general education schools as a whole, which connects them together with organizational and pedagogical processes. we would like to emphasize that the role of the national people's action games is great.


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How to Cite

Bobokulov Chori Urolovich, & Kudratov Dilshodbek. (2024). Technology of Using Movement Games to Increase the Efficiency of Physical Education Lessons. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(11), 44–48. Retrieved from


