Functional-Semantic Features of Adjectives in Uzbek and English


  • Mayliyeva Gulmira Bahramovna UrSU, Scientific Researcher


Adjective, morphological features, degrees of adjectives, simple degree, superlative degree, comparative degree, diminutive degree, affixation, composition, compound adjectives, repetitive adjectives, complex adjectives, lexical method, phonetic method, Uzbek and English languages.


This article compares the morphological features and degree formation methods of adjectives in Uzbek and English. Adjectives have specific morphological characteristics, being formed through affixation and composition. The article discusses the different degrees of adjectives: simple degree, superlative degree, comparative degree, and diminutive degree, along with various methods of their formation (morphological, lexical, phonetic). It also examines the compound, repetitive, and complex forms of adjectives in Uzbek and compares them with English adjectives. Furthermore, the article provides information about affixes and synonyms used in the formation of adjective degrees.


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How to Cite

Mayliyeva Gulmira Bahramovna. (2024). Functional-Semantic Features of Adjectives in Uzbek and English. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(11), 13–16. Retrieved from


