Investments in Human Capital and their Impact on National Economic Development


  • Khoshimov Sabir Murtazaevich Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD), Institute International School of Finance Technology and Science
  • Ganiev Shahiriddin Vohidovich Ph.D., Professor, Institute International School of Finance Technology and Science


human capital, innovation, human capital index, research and development, experimental design, social investment.


The article discusses the concept of human capital, the need to invest in human capital and its impact on the development of the national economy, and also discusses conclusions and recommendations based on international experience for the full use of the physical and intellectual capabilities of the human factor in economic development.


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How to Cite

Khoshimov Sabir Murtazaevich, & Ganiev Shahiriddin Vohidovich. (2024). Investments in Human Capital and their Impact on National Economic Development. International Journal of Scientific Trends, 3(4), 12–18. Retrieved from


